Sunday, July 26, 2009

Martin Drive Sizzling Summer Blast - Huge Success

You Martin Drive Neighbors are Awesome!

Thanks for coming to party together, it was a blast. Thanks to the band, the "Garden People", the committee, the "Bench People", those who donated toys, the "Potluckers", the set-up and break-down crew, the face painters, the chalkers, the talkers, the laid backers, Chef Rick and the partyers, and anyone we missed.

Special thanks to Alderman Murphy, David Weber, Milwaukee Public Theater and Truck 9 of MFD. WHEW!!!!!!!!!!!

We had lots of food and much fun. The kids enjoyed the party and so did the adults.

Next, card party in August. Let me know who's "game". Stay tuned, make suggestions and pass the word.

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