Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Martin Drive In the News!

In the News!

On October 22, 2007, Pat Mueller was interviewed by Channel 6 News, about the Martin Drive Neighborhoods’ long standing and active block watch and neighborhood organization. A brief clip of our Steering Committee in action was televised depicting an example of an active resident neighborhood group working on neighborhood issues.

Martin Drive Neighborhood association members strongly believe in community policing, and generally getting to know your neighbors and supporting them by watching out for them and reporting crime and suspicious activities. We believe in creating an environment that is safe and not conducive to crime. This can be done in many ways including, keeping up with the maintenance of our homes giving the appearance that the neighborhood is cared for, keeping shrubs trimmed low so they do not block view and offer a place for intruders to hide
keeping porch lights on, participating in neighborhood walks and many more.

Because of this active neighborhood, we be happy that we have a low crime rate and are not experiencing some of the serious crime issues of other neighborhoods. And we are happy to be in the news in a positive light!

Let’s keep up the good work.

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